The newest look this year in women's fashion boots is a tall flat boot with little or no heel. That's right, no heel.
Okay, I know what you are thinking. The lack of heel on the boot is going to make me look short and my legs look stumpy. Surprisingly, this is really not the case.
The tall boots worn with a sweater dress and textured tights this fall creates a warm, comfortable, and elongated look. Looking for a place to find all of the above? Try looking around Nordstrom's: if you don't see this look on the girls at the mall, you are sure to find it on the manikins at the high-fashion department stores.
Another option is the classic "bootie". With a long pair of pants, you can hardly tell these boots don't rise the entire way up your calves. So you achieve both comfort and style from one pair of shoes. That is a good deal.
The Uggs boot, much to everyone's surprise, are still in style this year. In fact, they have come out with a bunch of new styles of the traditional Uggs. You don't have to wear last year's set. Unless you want to, of course.